On the CAMENA Section ITALI


Mancinelli, Antonio (1452 - c. 1505):
[ Speculum de moribus et officiis ] Ant. Mancinelli Speculum de Moribus & Officiis. Vitae Sylva. Latini sermonis Emporium. - Rom, 1502. - [16] lvs. ; 8o. - In this copy, the text Latini sermonis Emporium is missing! - Type area 16 x 10,5 cm - Call number: Sch 051/182

Mancinelli, a successful author of textbooks, is studied in chapter 3 of Humanism for Sale, a project of the Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies based on a new scholarly monograph by Paul F. Gehl: Making and Marketing of Schoolbooks in Italy, 1450-1650.
The Speculum de moribus et officiis is a series of hexametric distichs containing moral advice and rules of behaviour addressed to school boys, in the tradition of the Dicta Catonis (or Catonis disticha de moribus) that were popular in class-rooms from late antiquity (their attribution to Marcus Porcius Cato Censor is fictitious) through the eighteenth century.
The elegiac poem Vitae Sylva is a short autobiography of Mancinelli.

Table of Contents:
(Title page) fol. 1a
(Carmen : Author's Dedication to Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, 1468-1549, who in 1534 became Pope Paul III.) fol. 1b
Ant. Mancinellus Veliternus ad Phaestum filium. - Speculum de moribus, et officiis, a quibus honeste vivendi praecepta ducuntur. -Prudentiae Officia. fol. 2a
Iustitiae officia. fol. 5a
Fortitudinis, Magnanimitatisque officia. fol. 7b
Temperantiae, Modestiaeque Officia. fol. 10b
Vitae Sylva [[ Silva ] : per Ant. Mancinellum. - Velitrae. fol. 13b
Angela mater. - Ioannes pater. fol. 14a
Pietatis mons. - Hebraeus. - Patris obitus. fol. 14b
Bernardinus frater. - Mancinellus unde dictus. - Angela uxor. - Filii. fol. 15a
Studia. - Patris cura. - Studia. - Mancinelli opera. - Venus. - Mores. fol. 15b
Egestas. - Somnia. - Statura. - Alexander VI. (Papa). - Ant. Mancinelli publica Munia. fol. 16a
Ant. Mancinelli Vita MDII. - (Colophon) Haec Speculi Secunda Romana impressio. Die Decembris xxiiii. Anno MDII. - Sequitur Emporium. fol. 16b

On the CAMENA Section ITALI