Notes on "Quotations"
Contexts containing the search term chosen, and which are taken into account in the co-occurrence analysis, are listed under "Quotations".
The locations of occurrences are given in KWIC (Key Word In Context) format. They show the context exactly as it is found in the machine-readable CAMENA texts (in each case following the wording of the XML file, but without markup or annotations).
The list of locations is divided into two parts:
- "Quotations from dictionaries" (i.e. texts from the THESAURUS ERUDITIONIS)
- "Quotations from texts" (i.e. additional CAMENA texts from other departments)
For reasons of space, the output shows only the first twenty locations; all other locations may be viewed via the link "(all)".
Caveat Lector: For technical reasons it is possible that the search term is not found on the page displayed under "E-Text" and "Image", but instead on the previous page.